How to install the DCSP app on a local instance


  • A computer with resources that can manage a docker container running a web app
  • Docker
  • A text editor
  • A command line interface


There are three separate docker-compose files to chose from. There are development, CICD pipeline for testing purposes and also a production docker-compose files. These are called:

  • docker-compose-dev.yml
  • docker-compose-cicd.yml
  • docker-compose-prod.yml

The docker container

  • docker-compose-prod-certbot.yml

is used only once when initially setting up the production environment on a new production server.

Development environment

  • Clone the repository from
  • cd into the root folder of the repository.
  • Copy, paste and rename the .env_example to .env_dev
  • Edit the environment file as needed
  • Run the below command

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

  • You should be up and running.
  • Use the below command to open a command line within the main container

$ docker exec -it dcsp-docs-builder-dev bash

CICD environment

  • You should not routinely need to run the CICD environment on your devlopment environment, but you may wish to for testing before using GitHub actions.
  • Clone the repository from (if not already done)
  • cd into the root folder of the repository.
  • Copy, paste and rename the .env_example to .env_cicd
  • Edit the environment file as needed
  • Run the below command

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-cicd.yml up

  • You should be up and running.
  • Use the below command to open a command line within the main container

$ docker exec -it dcsp-docs-builder-cicd bash

Development environment

  • Clone the repository from (if not already done).
  • cd into the root folder of the repository.
  • Copy, paste and rename the .env_example to .env_prod
  • Edit the environment file as needed
  • Run the below command to get your first certbot certificate from letsencrypt

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-prod-certbot.yml up

  • Next, run the below command

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up

  • Use the below command to open a command line within the main container

$ docker exec -it dcsp-docs-builder-prod bash

  • Edit the cron daemon file (this can be done with crontab -e which normally opens a Vim instance).

  • Add the below job to the file

    0 0,12 * * * cd /src/digital-clinical-safety-platform && sh

  • And that should be the production site up and running